Planning for sports events...

Booking Grounds
is now simple & easy

Your games are just a click away.
Download the XbyX Sports App now


Our Trusted Partners

Passionate about sports Find the right facility for you

Find the right ground for Basketball, Cricket or Tennis close to you or anywhere across UAE.
Want to have a game with your friends. Leave your venue booking with us and focus on your game strategy.
Download XbyX Sports App to book sports facilities and services.


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Quick booking

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Awesome Partner Features


Become our partner

From online booking to marketing, we simplify your sports facility management and help you reach new customers.


Extensive exposure

A listing on our app promotes your facility to sports enthusiasts across the country


Online booking

Our customers can easily book venues online. This helps reduce staff workload as the customers enjoy a new booking experience, customized to their needs.


Increased utilization

Accessibility to your facilities are maximized, thereby increasing your visibility and revenue.

What Our Customers Are Saying


One of the Best Cricket Stadium I have ever Visited 🤩. Thank you XbyX Sports mobile application for providing a well-maintained sports field with excellent staff and security guards monitoring the match.


The XbyX Sports app provides a seamless experience for users with its intuitive interface that enables effortless navigation of sports grounds on a map. Furthermore, the app guarantees secure payment options, such as Apple Pay and Google Pay, ensuring peace of mind for all users.


Download it now

Download our app now to enjoy a completely new way
of booking sports facilities across UAE.