
  • How do I register myself on the app?

    To register an account with Us download the application from store. After this you need to create a account or register yourself on application, you must provide Us with your email address and a password. Your account details may be used by you to make bookings and payments and when you use your email address, password, and account, you are authorising Us to carry out the instructions you have given to Us on the Site or Application.

  • How do I search for a ground?

    In order to search for nearby locations, location approval is required. Without it, only a global view of available locations is possible.

  • How do I book a ground?

    You can discover nearby grounds that match your preferences and reserve open time slots through a location search. Follow these steps to book a nearby ground: 
    1. Authorize location permission and initiate a search. 
    2. Select a ground from the options presented. 
    3. Choose a time slot that works for you. 
    4. Make a payment and receive an email confirmation. 
    5. Share the booking with your friends.


  • How do I add a new payment method/card?

    To add a payment method, click Add a credit or debit card listed under Add a New Payment Method To edit or remove a payment method, select the drop-down arrow beside the relevant payment method and select Edit or Remove.

Refunded & Cancel

  • How do I cancel a booking?

    To Cancel a booking, used needs to select that booking and tap on cancel booking button. Once confirmed by user booking will be cancelled.

  • Will I be refunded for a cancellation?

    If you cancel your booking before the match date, the booking fee will be waived. You will receive a Coupon for the full amount, which can be used for a future booking. However, if you cancel your booking, you will not be eligible for a refund.